Mission Statement


Knightraven is a Multi-racial alliance dedicated to the provision of mineral's, items and ships for the use of all. We firmly believe in a happy and family orientated environment for all and as such do not stand for smack talk. We condemn unprovoked attacks on civilians and neutral parties in empire space. The Alliance achieves this through our strict adherence to Alliance Laws (Including, but not limited too “The Knightraven Alliance Rules of Engagement Act”, “The Membership Act”, “The Alliance Executive Order And Division Act”).

The Executive Body

The overall control of the alliance is effectively dictorial in that only 1 person has full access and control within the executive corp. But all proposals are run by the executive committee which consists of the CEO's of the Member Corps have 1 vote in relevant alliance proposals to be rendered by their CEO or by one of their designated representatives. The methods for how their CEO arrives at their vote is to be decided by the individual member corporations.
Beneath the executive committee is the Alliance Divisions; an elected Alliance Officer from the alliance membership on a fixed term basis heads each division.

For Complete Alliance Divisions please see the “The Alliance Executive Order And Division Act”.

Duties and Rights

Policies, rulings, and standing orders of the Knightraven Alliance Executive Committee (including but not limited to Rules of Engagement, alliance's non-aggression pacts, guidelines on military operations and public appearances) must be observed by all pilots. Participation in alliance operations by member pilots is strongly encouraged.

Internal Corp affairs remain the province of the individual Corp CEO’s and executives, except where said affairs contravene Alliance Laws. In this case it is referred to the Senior executive committee for action.

The Alliance Laws

The alliance Laws are discussed and ratified by the Senior Executive Committee, and then implemented by the Alliance Officers and member corporation CEO's. Members found to be in breach of Alliance Laws will be subject to disciplinary procedure. Consistent breaches of Alliance Laws by a member will be dealt with severely (see Alliance Disciplinary Procedures).

It is the individual corporation's CEO and officers responsibility to make sure all their members have read and know the Alliance Laws.

Alliance Charter can only be changed through a vote of the Alliance Senior Executive Committee.

Amended: 03/08/2007


The Knightraven Alliance Rules of Engagement Act

Knightraven pilots are authorized to engage in combat in the following situations:

1) In self-defense

2) Against a known pirate in empire space.

3) With pilots belonging to corporations who are set as the enemies of Knightraven Alliance.

4) With war targets

5) When the target has a neutral or negative standing with the alliance in 0.0, and engaging would not violate the rules of the sovereign alliance.

6) Neutral pilots in designated war zones (as determined by alliance management) may be engaged at the discretion of the individual KRA pilot or Fleet/Squad Commander

7) Wormhole space is treated as 0.0 and as such we operate a Not Blue Shoot it Policy.

8) Non-combat ships (Industrials, Mining Barges, Exhumers, Freighters, Orca's and Rorqual) are classed as invalid targets in all area's of space regardless of standing. The only exception to this is under concord war decleration when all war targets are valid no matter the ship type.

If you think you have been wrongfully attacked by a Knightraven pilot, please post in our Diplomatic channel with the full details of the complaint and all supporting information (i.e.: Kill mail, screenshots) or contact alliance diplomats on the in game Diplomat Channel (KRA - Public) to arrange a chat in private. We take all reports of breaches of this policy extremely seriously.

We treat Low Sec areas along our 0.0 access routes as NBSI zones if you don't want to be attacked then please speak to a diplomat about gaining nap standings.